Friday, July 31, 2009


不知為了什麼? 物質的追求?值得付出嗎?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beautiful Saturday

     I was received a new job on last monday. So the whole weekdays was busy in my new job, cause I'm going beck my home again on friday night. My work did until the last minute, make me wasted S$17. Haha... Wait no bus, then decided take cab. No cab some-more. Finally i got it. But when i boarding the MRT,  just realized that take long time to airport. I worried counter was closed before i reach. In between, I alighted and took cab again. Huh... That was lots people wait for taxi. I'm so luckily, got cab in 10 mins. Then i told the taxi uncle, I'm in rush. So he was so nice, tried his best to reach. So i was reach airport in time. Maybe cause of singapore sale, i got a S$5 voucher for duty free shopping. Haha... In the rush, just pick up fews chocolate for my love siblings and proceed to boarding.  Flight was landing early the time, but that a long queue for returned the health declare form. Finally reached my sweet sweet home, and quite late already. All restaurant was closed, I was craving for hokkien mee. Unfortunately  can't eat it. 

     The next morning, I breakfast with my parent and went to KL. The first stop, I dropped  by at KLCC. I went to maxis centre settle something. After that, I took some photo and wait for Jean come and fetch  me. Oh ya, I saw Dr. Mathathir in KLCC. He looks still young, even already 80 yrs old. Because of the time, I decided go petaling street wait for them. So I took LRT to Pasar Seni. I took photos along the way to Petaling Street. Haha... Enjoying all the way. And I got found the nyonya restaurant. So we was lunch there.  We ordered babi pongteh, ju hu cai, and nyonya chap chor. Our food was served, but Tiffany not yet reach. So Jean and I keep on take photos. I love the interior, looks oldies and feel the warm of nyonya. Seem like we are going beck the time. I think this a good try restaurant. The food and environment was great. After finished the food, I was think to order sago gula malacca, and Jean recommended a durian dessert. Haiz... Not the right time. All sole out. And the end, we ordered bobochacha. Not bad. After the meal, we was walk around at petaling street. Tiffany looking for shoe. And because of Pueh Hoon was delay our appointment. I still have time shopping with them. Around 5pm, jean fetch me to Lot10 meet Pueh Hoon. We looking for starbuck near KL plaza. Huh... All empty. don't know is under renovation or closed. Haha... Can imagine how long I'm not being there. The end, we decided drink at dome. I felt much of us was changed. All became more mature. I hope all the best to her. She will going beck Aberdeen look for job. Hoping one day I can meet her day. Don't know when is the day coming. =)

Who i met last saturday


Around Pasar Seni

Around Petaling Street

Colonial Buidling around Petaling Street

Kuala Lumpur

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

     Last minute received my friend message that beck on last friday night.  Incidentally, i also got the instruction to finish my job before Saturday. Damn rush and refusing to accept! Always happen before i beck home. Haiz... No choice, i have to try my best to it. End up, i realized my colleague make mess all the drawing layer. "jia lak" During the time already evening, how i going to finish it? Just let my boss know that. Huh... He said don't care. Die, die. You all have to done it by tomorrow. I just try my best to do whatever i can. Luckily, my colleague help me to do the rest work. Thanks to him and her! After that, i just went to JB which my friend's place overnight. Because i was late reach JB, they decided beck home in the next morning. 

     The purpose we beck was for siong hor's wedding dinner. So of course, we attended his wedding dinner. I'm felt so great to met all ex-schoolmates. Some was change lots, some were maintain.  Time was passed so fast, we were nearly 30th yrs old, so is the time to marry. I think coming will be more wedding be held.  I can't believe leaving school already 10 years. I still prefer my childhood. Can enjoy the life, no worries at all. One of my classmate suggested wear school uniform and beck school again. Ya, it's a good idea. Haha... Maybe one day, we can organize a schoolmate reunion and the theme " school uniform" . Quite interesting. 

haha... CK done good job. Muakz... >.<

leaving the bachelor life, gonna start his new life. Congratulation!

met them after 10-years.

     After the dinner, when i reached home. Surprisingly I was look at the cupcakes. OMG! My dear sister done a good job. All of us laughed at my sister, why bought those 18 sx design. Huh... We all always say that she always will spoiled the things at home. This time also not excluded. I was saying to her, please choose the design which more cutie. End up... became... Anyway, my younger sister still happy and surprised. It's quite rush for last weekend, beck on saturday morning, and have to beck SG on sunday evening. So we decided steamboat celebrate my sibling's birthday. Cause, quite boring all the time having meal in restaurant. Okay. Satisfy weekend. I'm Happy  and they all happy too... ^^

peeping show cupcakes

my lovely familie ^^

my dearest sista and brother's birthday

surprising to see that 0.0

Thursday, July 2, 2009

[轉貼] 累了,就把心事放下來!

一位朋友寄給我的一篇文章,想想自己 常常手酸了還硬撐,原來放下沒有很難,只是願不願意? 能解決的事,不必去擔心;不能解決的事,擔心也沒用。 在順境中感恩、在逆境中依舊心存喜樂。


最近認識一位美國籍的出家師父,是個很有趣的事情。  特別是他叫我舉起蕃茄汁,跟他說話的經驗。  我們約在新竹的一家茶館,用英文談論著心經,師父用英文跟我解釋因果、輪迴這些事情,這都還不稀奇。有趣的事情在後頭呢!  師父一聽完我跟他提到~個人煩惱的時候,  他索性要我左手提起~他剛買的三罐番茄汁,  一邊提著,一邊跟他說話。  可想而知,我左手感覺到疲勞的程度,跟時間成了正比。  也懊惱著為何師父要我一邊提著三罐蕃茄汁,一邊跟他說話。  受不了這樣的酸楚,我自行把左手放下,  卻聽到師父跟我說:  Hold it up, and keep talking to me. 」  聽到這樣的話,心理不免起了疑心, 我手提的那麼酸,  為何不讓我放下手上的重物,輕鬆地與他對談?  約莫過了15分鐘,我的左手實在承受不住了, 才聽見師父跟我說:「Now you can put it down.」。  看著我狐疑的臉,師父居然笑了出來。「你不喜歡提著重物跟我說話,  為何你卻喜歡帶著煩惱,過著你的生活呢?  手酸了,放下就好,對待煩惱,不也是這樣?  或是這些煩惱,就像是那些番茄汁一樣,  是你自己用手把它們給舉起來的呢?」  有趣的經驗,對吧? 最近我開始這樣的練習,  一手舉起有重量的東西,一邊想著事情。  手酸了,自然會放下手上的東西,  看看有一天,我會不會也學到,心累了,就把心事給放下來。  我們能很容易的放下有形的重物,  卻很難放下無形的重擔。   


